Payout Search & Destroy Multiplayer

Payout Search & Destroy

Mode Type: Multiplayer

Mode Category: Limited Time

Ranked Multiplayer Limited Time Ranked Multiplayer Mode


Core gameplay is the same as Search & Destroy. The biggest change in this mode is that weapons and other gear can only be bought with money that players earn. Loadout only contains 1 primary weapon, 1 secondary weapon, 2 tacticals, and 1 lethal grenade. Knife damage adjusted to 75, and it will cause higher damage when jumping. If players survive the last round, and the round will not switch sides, they will keep their loadouts. If they don't, they will lose the loadouts. Both teams play for 5 rounds in each half. After 5 rounds, they switch sides, and their money will reset. The first team to reach 6 scores wins.
